Hi. We are the researchers. Nice to meet you.

    Stefanie Vanbecelaere (PhD Student)

    Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences @Kulak
    E. Sabbelaan 51 - B8500 Kortrijk
    +32 56 24 62 35
    Room: 01.24
    Office hours: 09:00-17:00

    After obtaining my master in Educational Sciences (2016), in September 2017 I started as a PhD student at KU Leuven campus Kulak. My PhD project aims at evaluating the effectiveness of learning in adaptive educational games for initial arithmetic and initial reading. In this project, I investigate the effectiveness of adaptive versus non-adaptive serious games. Besides, I also look at the relation between the development of initial arithmetic and initial reading through (adaptive) serious games will be examined. Furthermore, the project will focus on the relation between learning behavior measured in serious games and cognitive (math and reading performance) and non-cognitive learning outcomes (math and reading anxiety and interest).